Rut Elfsplitter
Character History:
Rut Elfsplitter is a mountain dwarf from the stronghold Dumaden in the area near Duchy of
Urnst. He was enlisted into service by the clergy of Clangeddin Silverbeard at an early
age after showing his skill and desire for battle against a drow raid on the stronghold.
His family consists of a mother and sister. His father was killed in battle against hill
giants and Rut will never pass up an opportunity to do battle with any hill giant he
encounters. He will also go well out of his way to do battle against any other evil
giants. Rut spends most of his free time doing weaponsmith work and painting. He usually
paints pictures of battles and heroes to honour his Lord the Father of Battle.
Since he has achieved the rank of Knight of the First Rank, Rut has been required to
venture above ground and learn as much as possible about battle and battle tactics. His
desire is to someday return to Dumadan, test for rank of Knight Commander, and begin
teaching battle tactics and strategy to the younger less experienced clergy. Lately Rut
has hired himself out to traders and diplomatic parties (as a bodyguard) from the Duchy of
Urnst travelling to Greyhawk. He has made two such trips and has spent a great deal of
time in the borderlands between the Duchy of Urnst and Greyhawk serving the interests of
Dumaden and the Father of Battle.
Physical Description:
Rut has pale skin, light pink cheeks, brown eyes and medium brown hair. His beard is
almost totally silver. He wears a full suit of silvery chain mail and has two battle axes
shoved in his belt. His ornate helm and belt buckle are also made of a silvery metal. He
has a cloak made of grey wolf's fur and wears sturdy leather knee-boots.