Non-Player Characters (NPCs) are individuals controlled by the DM. They may be members of the party, hirelings, henchmen, bar tenders, opponents, or virtually anything other than a Player Character. Below is a list of the major NPCs in our Greyhawk Campaign:
Timar the Red -- Timar is a human mage of some sort with a special penchant / ability with fire (as yet undemonstrated). Hired by Justin Harper, he is currently a member of our party. | |
Justin Harper -- A Greyhawk businessman of substantial means (although not fantastically rich). He owns a small trading company which has recently been suffering losses in the area east of Hardby. Although that is disturbing enough, the last raid captured a friend of his and now they are demanding a unpayable ransom. Justin has hired us to attempt to recover his friend -- preferably alive. |